Jul 02, 2015
Announcement Title | Placements |
Announcement Subtitle | Receipt of Approval In-Principle for Offering of New Stapled Securities in Frasers Hospitality Trust |
Date & Time of Broadcast | Jul 2, 2015 19:17 |
Submitted By | Piya Treruangrachada Company Secretary |
Description | Please see attached an announcement in relation to the Receipt of Approval In-Principle for offering of New Stapled Securities in Frasers Hospitality Trust. |
Capital Amount - Old | SGD 1,060,158,513.00 |
Capital Amount - New | SGD 1,183,158,513.00 |
Number of Existing Outstanding Shares | 1,204,593,258 |
New Shares Issued | 150,000,000 |
Offer Price | SGD 0.82 |
02 Jul 2015 | PDF 150,241 kb